Innovation Through Sanitation


Featured on the SG Advanced Premiuim Slicers from Globe is an automated sanitation alert timer that begins once the first slice has been made. From that point the operator will be notitfied at the 3 ½ hour mark that they have 30 minutes remaining to unplug, clean and sanitize the machine. If they do not, a similar alert will also occur at the 3 ¾ hour mark. If the 4 hour mark has been reached without unplugging, cleaning and sanitizing, the slicer will automatically power down and cannot be restarted until cleaning and sanitation have occurred.

Help your establishment take extra steps to ensure they are providing the cleanest and safest possible products. Sanitation is currently at the forefront of people’s minds and utilizing this timer will provide them peace of mind. Not only will this keep neglectful operators in line but even those who are careful will be helpfully reminded that cleaning is in order.

Check out both of Globes Advanced Premium Slicers that come equipped with the 4 Hour timer.


SG13 Premium Manual Slicer | SG13A Premium Automatic Slicer

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