Join Forces to Eliminate Food Waste

Posted by Melanie Trainor Chef prepping vegetables on cutting board

Food waste is a worldwide challenge. Every year about 1.3 billion tons of food is lost or unused, with fruits and vegetables having the highest percentage of waste. In some countries, it begins at the post-harvest and processing level, for others it’s at the retail and consumer stage.

As the waste of food rises, so does the amount of people who remain hungry. Introducing changes to the way we operate can lead to significant improvements.

These practical tips help restaurants alter their approach to food waste management.


Today there are apps for managing many aspects of life and business including restaurant waste management. Some of the most popular applications are LeanPath and Wise up on Waste. These programs allow you to record essential information such as the amount, type and reason for disposal. Once documented, the data is analyzed and smart solutions are recommended for future use.

Include Your Staff

Inform your staff of the issues at hand and work together to reduce leftover and spoiled food. Teach food prep techniques such as proper portioning, meat trimming and vegetable cutting to minimize unused pieces. Additionally, train your staff on optimal dating, labeling, cooking, reheating, refrigeration and freezing temperature practices for increased efficiency.

Alternative Solutions

Throwing away valuable food can be frustrating. Instead of tossing it, develop a plan for excess inventory. Periodically review your supply and donate extra food to local organizations who help families in need. Make note of any surplus that may spoil and consider contributing it to community gardens as compost.

Did You Know?

We could prevent 870 million people from being hungry if we saved one-fourth of lost and wasted food.

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